Ph2-Day04 Trinidad CO to Wichita KS

The march across the Plains. It was a day of transitions in the landscape. From the foothills of the Rockies to the Midwest (or center of the country).

We left at 7:30 am and it was sunny and cool, in the low 60’s. We started on the edge of the Rockies foothills and descended slowly across to the plains. We wandered through some dips for rivers and climbed back out. The land started out as scrub brush and grazing fields, then as the day progress it slowly turned to wide grass lands, then again later turning to production crops – all along just a wide vast flat land for flat earthers to believe in. For me, my mid wanders in this landscape wondering how the pioneers and Indians managed to live in this vast landscape. Much of it probably visually the same. Can’t imaging crossing this on a horse for months. Or how people live in such vastness and isolation – to each his own. We would come across driveways and you can’t see the house miles away.

As we approach Wichita, the landscape changes no tress to now noticeable trees and much higher humidity. The temperature climbed through out the day to the mid 90’s by the time we quit, sweltering in the humid weather of the Midwest. Best part of it, clear day with no clouds and no rain 🙂

PH2-Day 04 video

4 thoughts on “Ph2-Day04 Trinidad CO to Wichita KS

  1. I’ve driven through the Plains numerous times, it’s flat and boring.
    You should definitely write a book on your travels… I have never heard it described so interesting and graciously! And your picture shows just how flat.
    …”Sweltering humidity”, how true. I wonder, does California ever get that humid?

    • You are much too kind! But thank you. It is fun and much appreciated to hear from people following. And in California it rarely gets humid like that!!!

  2. Ah, yes, the plains states make for a boring drive/ride. I agree with Jean, your descriptions are anything but boring. Brings it to life! The news here is filled with the heat wave hitting the southwest and into the midwest, so I was thinking of you riding through that. They’re calling it a ‘heat dome’ – “…the hot ocean air has become trapped in the atmosphere.”

    Glad you made it safely to your next stop. Have a great ride on this beautiful Sunday morning!

    • I have no idea why your comments are held till I approve, even though my settings say once you are approved once, you are good…. Must be something about cheaters I guess…

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