Day four started riding at 5:30 AM to get to Medina Texas. 120 miles later we started documenting a ride for the Texas Twisted Sister ride.
This part of Texas is hill country for Texas. It reminded me a lot of riding in Northern California, but not as much traffic on the roads here. Beautiful countryside, tight twisties in some spots, and some great weather for riding today.
The 3 Rural Route roads all had their unique character, with my favorite being the last one. It reminded me of riding the mouse trap roller coaster at the local fair. up and down, and some steep grades in short distances.
After we completed the twisted sisters, it was about 1:30 pm and our goal was to try to get to Alpine Texas for ride number 4 – big bend national park.but it was all dependent on the weather and so far it was good.
The roads in Texas are fast. Two lane roads with barely a shoulder have speed limits of 75mph. 1 1/2 hour later we were in Del Rio where we had to make a decision. Do we want to go to the next town 200 miles away with hotels or stay put. The weather look good so we decided even though it was 3 o’clock let’s do the 200 miles…..
The next 200 miles was a beautiful road with hardly anybody on it. New blacktop with long straights, sweeping curves, and gentle climbs in and out of some canyons. Three hours later we arrive in Alpine and settle in for the night.
Tomorrow is Ride #4 on the list.