Ph2-Day03 Farmington NM to Trinidad CO

You can look at the previous days post as I updated it with text/pics and vid.

After a great meal at a local restaurant, we eventually crashed sometime after 11 pm as I was busy trying to figure out some GPS issues and mapping. I gave up and finaaly went to bed though as we did get up early and were rolling by 7:30 am.

Today was suppose to be a test for a new app we wanted on this trip, REVER. Mostly for motorcyclist and off-road enthusiast. It is google like and incorporates Butter rated route rides. I have heard good things about Butler maps, so I was interested in this program to work. On this phase I have a different bike, therefore a different navigation system. Rick like to have the same info for his guidance, so I have been trying to make that happen. Anybody that works with different GPS units knows what a challenge that can be, as they all have different parameters, switches, map data and algorithms to calculate a route, so they usually don’t match, especially on long rides like this. Phones are issues as screens dim due to heat and the sunlight, and streaming map data is challenging when there are no cell towers, which is typical on the route we pick (although it’s getting hard now to get away from cell towers these days).

The REVER app on the computer is web based and is pretty cool as you can do A/B routing (point A to point B), then see the overlays of rated routes and snap your A/B route line on Butler roads that are close to your quick route and tweak your route for cool roads…. So I did that – now to test it….

So we start off great for the first 100 miles I guess until I see my route wanting to take a dirt road. We stopped, tried deleting way points to see if that would clear it up, but we still has issues so we had to abandon my planned route and just wing it. It was still a great ride, just will need to return someday to explore some of the roads in northern New Mexico.

It was a beautiful, sunny clear riding day as it took us into the lower southern Colorado and over one pass in the Rockies (Wolf Pass) before we descended towards the plains of Colorado. We didn’t have any major issues today, although Ricks bike did want to take a nap at a gas station, but we fixed that.

We called it quits earl today as heading east from I-25 with the wind blowing and maybe another 100 miles till you find a nice town with a hotel, we thought we should stop.

Phase 2 -Day 03 video