Completed! The whole Blue Ridge Parkway from South to North, approximately 500 miles. What a beautiful road – highly recommended! Lush green canopy covered roadway for about 75% of the road, plenty of vistas, limited access points, speed limit 45 mph, no commercial vehicles and mostly riding the ridge line. It was better than I expected and will do it again. Recommend riding this on a motorcycle. If you don’t have a motorcycle, borrow one. If you can’t ride one, find someone who does. Worst case, drive your ragtop. If you don’t have a rag top, rent one! Just do it!
Our morning started out early about 6:30ish and a bit of dampness in the air. We wore our rain pants just incase of inclement weather later, plus it was a bit of a chill in the air. We continued on the detoured portion following the signs back to where we could hook back up to the BRP. This part of the BRP has been under a detour for about 2 years now as they rebuild a bridge. We top off our tanks just before getting on.
This road way is lush with vegetation. This northern portion of the BRP is more sweeping turns and not a lot of hairpins turns or sharp turns and is a bit faster, but still the limit is 45 mph. I would creep up to 52/55 mph but would quickly dial it back, not because of police, but because of the numerous deer we would see coming around a corner and a deer would be standing there on the road or the side. They hear you, but who knows which way they jump and scoot. A had a couple of close calls, so I took my time doing corners.
I can’t say enough about this road – it is just a great parkway, tranquil, even though we were constantly worrying about deer jumping out. Having the last 3 or 4 days of this same parkway and seeing the changes to it was an experience, The people that we met too.
we kept an eye in the sky towards the end when it was about 1pm and the sky look darker and the road we could see was damp and that we just missed a shower. But it eventually caught up to us just at the end of the BRP for maybe 10 miles at most, and most just a drizzle.
We checked into our hotel shortly after finishing the ride and just before the clouds let out the rain at about 2:30-3pm.

Ph2-Day 11 video, completing the Blue Ridge Parkway