Tomorrow, Wednesday 8/30/2023, Rick and I leave for our Phase 3 summer ride, the Three Flags Classic. The ride starts on Friday, September 1 in Puerto Penasco, Son, Mexico and will end on Monday September 4th in Calgary Canada.
Wednesday is a ride to Mexico, Thursday a day to register along with about 300 other riders, some workshops, relaxation, a dinner and a early bedtime retirement for a 4:00 am start time on Friday September 1. We will have 4 checkpoints over the weekend we must go through at particular times, which are Kanab UT, Idaho Falls ID, Sandpoint ID, and Calgary Canada. A suggested route will be offered up (usually scenic roads) that we can follow (and probably will) that is approximately 2,100 miles. Please visit the Three Flags Classic page for more details.
I will not be bringing my laptop, but will use my iPhone, but posting will be limited (mostly pictures) as we will need to cover on average 550 miles to 650 miles a day for three days. So probably no pontification observations from my mind, but you will be able to follow us on the spot and Glympse on the “Current Location” page.
It was nice to be home for about a month, both of us services our bikes, sporting some fresh tires, new oil and now rested bodies.
Tomorrow is a 6 am wheels up call.