Day 7 – Ride # 6 Monument Valley

Chinle Arizona to Cortez Colorado

Start of our ride through Monument Valley

Today we thought we could get two rides in because of where our next rides are, but Mother Nature had other plans. We left the reservation about 8 am and after a few stops along the roadside to adjust things, we were ready to start this ride. It was cloudy when we woke up, but the streets were dry. But you could see showers all around us.

Monument Valley

We road through the valley and took some photos and 50 miles later in Mexican Hat Utah and we were done with this ride. Next ride starts in Cortez CO 180 miles away and goes through Telluride CO to Placerville CO – easy if the weather can hold, which is always iffy in the Rockies.

The ride to Cortez

We get within 12 miles from Cortez and see a wall of water out in the distance. So we stop on the side of the road to get our gear buttoned up and want to get to town to make some decisions….

Well, we approach the wall of water and seem to get through the first wave as it then lets up a bit and I could pick up some speed. Then it start coming down harder.. we slow down, we see lighten and hear the booms all around us.

I see what I thought was white foam on the side of the road as the road was getting covered in heavy water and we were getting pelted. I feel the bike get a little goosy under me, thinking I was starting a bit of hydroplaning. Then I see we are actually getting pelted with hail! And that was not white foam and was not hydroplaning but the small hail was like marbles under the tires and the road was COVERED now with hail –  it all happened and came so fast. We ease to the side of the road while feeling the tires moving under us.

Hail at noon

Even on the side of the road, traction on your feet to try to keep the bike upright was giving way under the hailstones….

We wait about 10 minutes getting soaked as the hail storm turns back to a downpour and the slush on the road starts to melt. But the damage was done as we were cold with wet gloves and decided to stay in Cortez for the day and night, dry out and start early tomorrow.

Day 7 Video


Day 6-Ride #5

Las Cruces New Mexico to Chinle Arizona

Three Way AZ and the start of Ride #5

The start out of Las Cruces was clear and sunny, 2 1/2 hours later we we starting ride number 5 on the list, Coronado Trail.

This is a unique ride as you start outside and drive through a huge, huge copper mine that is active. The road snakes up the mountain and you just see massive equipment and massive tailings that are mountains!

After the climb you continue snaking through and climbing in the pine forest of this mountain range. You never know that this is Arizona as you always think desert. We had cool weather and beautiful vistas. We took it slow through the tight curves and towards the end of the ride we had great downhill sweepers. And at the end we were back in Springerville, AZ where we were a few days ago.

Documenting the end of ride #5

After that we headed for ride #6 which is Monument Valley in Arizona and Utah. We got caught in a storm and waited it out at a gas station. This was the sign to the rest rooms

We ended the day on the reservation at a Best Western in Chinle Arizona.

Day 6 video

Day 5- Ride #4 Big Ben NP

Day 5 Video

I’ll catch up on details later…

It’s Later now..

Alpine Texas to Las Cruces New Mexico.

Apparently we needed some sleep.  We have been waking up at 5ish, but today we woke up at 6:30 and to a pretty sunrise.  Weather called for cloudy skies with chance of showers.

I didn’t know what to expect from Big Ben National Park.  Have not heard much about it except it’s location, so I was interested on what we would see.  It was an amazing place to see.  If you ask me what is it like, I would comment think Death Valley/Zion/Capital Reef National Parks – it reminded me of all three of those.  The vastness of Death Valley, the Canyons of Zion, and the feel of Capital Reef.  I will definitely come back to explore more.

The nearest accommodation’s are in two towns that are 100 miles from the park.  So it takes about 1 1/2 hours to get to the entrance.  It was overcast as we road there with just a smattering of water felt.  The high cloud cover was actually great as it kept the temperature lower.  This is a desert area so the time to visit is the winter/spring months.

For our ride, we only needed to ride the road (only road) that takes you 33 miles to the end and back. We entered the park and documented our start at the entrance.

You climb at first through some big valleys and then you are treated with a desert vista as you descend into a vast valley with reefs and slot canyon out in the distant.  At one point the road was flooded and we went through it after we determined the depth.  

At the end is a vast slot canyon  – that slot canyon is Mexico.  After chatting with the ranger we headed back out and started our march to our next ride, which for us starts in Three Way AZ.

Again, fast long stretches’ of roads to get out.  We decided to take the interstate to get out of Texas.  We made it through El Paso and made the push to Las Cruces NM in order to get some sopapillas for dinner.

Day 4- ride #3, The Texas twisted sister ride completed

Day four started riding at 5:30 AM to get to Medina Texas. 120 miles later we started documenting a ride for the Texas Twisted Sister ride.

This part of Texas is hill country for Texas. It reminded me a lot of riding in Northern California, but not as much traffic on the roads here. Beautiful countryside, tight twisties in some spots, and some great weather for riding today.

The 3 Rural Route roads all had their unique character, with my favorite being the last one. It reminded me of riding the mouse trap roller coaster at the local fair. up and down, and some steep grades in short distances.

After we completed the twisted sisters, it was about 1:30 pm and our goal was to try to get to Alpine Texas for ride number 4 – big bend national park.but it was all dependent on the weather and so far it was good.

The roads in Texas are fast. Two lane roads with barely a shoulder have speed limits of 75mph. 1 1/2 hour later we were in Del Rio where we had to make a decision. Do we want to go to the next town 200 miles away with hotels or stay put. The weather look good so we decided even though it was 3 o’clock let’s do the 200 miles…..

The next 200 miles was a beautiful road with hardly anybody on it. New blacktop with long straights, sweeping curves, and gentle climbs in and out of some canyons. Three hours later we arrive in Alpine and settle in for the night.

Tomorrow is Ride #4 on the list.

Day 4 video

D3 Socorro, New Mexico to Sonora, Texas. 541 miles

The day started at 5:30 a.m. when we had scraps of daylight. Our attempt was to try to make Medina if we could to start our first official ride. But we were leaving it flexible due to weather as it usually rains in the afternoon.

It was a clear Chris morning temperatures in the high 50s as we started and we get to see the sunrise.and as the tea progressed, it warmed up, and the skies remain relatively clear till about 2:30 PM and we had one small shower.

We have been avoiding the interstate, to enjoy the back roads. When it came time to cross over interstate 10 120 miles from Medina, with a big black cloud to where we were heading, we just started decided to stay in Sonora, Texas, where there are plenty of hotels here.

Tomorrow will head to Medina and start her documentation of her first ride on the list which is number 3 the Texas twisted sisters.

Art at a gas station in Texas

Day 3 Video

Ricks video, he uses a different software

Day one complete, working out the bugs

Day one started off by meeting Rick in Green River at eight 8 AM. We then topped off our tanks and headed to Palm Springs only to be met with all lanes closed in Palm Springs area. we split lanes for a couple of miles until we get to the side of the accident, somebody was not going to have a good Mother’s Day. Please be careful out there.

Once we pass that our exit came up, and we got off the interstate hill of the Joshua tree and 29 palms where we filled up your gas tanks, because next stop was Parker Arizona and there’s no gas between there for 100 miles. We stopped in Parker Arizona to top off again with 150 miles to go to Prescott.

With only 4 miles left to get a Prescott on a twisty wind, the road up the mountain, we again came to a dead stop traffic. This time a trike in a van had a meeting. After 20 minutes, we were rolling again, but with some showers because the rain did come.

Once at the hotel, had difficulties trying to get photos, transferred to my iPhone, found out my tracking device wasn’t updating, so we decided to go out to get something to eat, and a great little restaurant recommended by Randy.

Home for the night
Some tasty burgers
Service can be slow
Still a thumbs up though

Ride video summary

Getting ready for the trip

Besides weeks of going over maps, analyzing and creating routes, remembering how to use your GPS, and estimating time frames, etc., it is now time to start packing as we leave in a few days.

Packing is always a challenge you don’t have much room, and as usual, I seem to overpack. It’s typical to start packing a few days earlier. Look at it, take stuff out, and re-pack again. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing.

Here’s what I decided to pack; one T-shirt, one collar shirt, one long sleeve shirt, two pairs of underwear and socks, one pair of long john bottoms if we hit very cold weather, a pair of convertible, pants, a pair of gym shorts,a pair of keen sandal’s, toiletries, and medication, laptop, and all the associated chargers, cords for your phone, GPS and other items. Still seems like too much stuff.

The shoes and below is what I plan on wearing while riding. Above the shoes in the six bags are for the hotel room. To right of that are items I need for layering. Photo doesn’t include riding gloves, neck gators of helmet.

And I thought I was going lean this time… sure doesn’t sound like it.

Might do another repack….